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Vlog#70 Bali 2022 – Sumberkima Hill – West Bali

maart 20, 2022

Vlog#70 Bali 2022 – Sumberkima Hill – West Bali

Counting my blessings while traveling in Bali. Wauw! I know that there is so much suffering going on in The World for so many people.

Because of this knowing, I feel even more blessed about being here in Bali.

I know I worked hard for it. I also know it’s my decision to be here and that knowing makes me even more aware of the blessings in my life!

This is just the introduction of my New Vlog #70 – Sumberkima Hill – West Bali.

What you will see in my vlog are Bali Blessings. For sure it will give you a good feeling and I love to spread positive energy.

Bali Birthday – Touching my soul

It was my Birthday and I asked myself ‘What makes me the most happy?’ The answer is traveling in Bali. So I did. This Day made such a deep impact on me that afterwards it took me more than a week to take it all in. This is how much impact Bali has on me. I always say ‘Traveling at Bali is touching my soul.’

Sumberkima Hill Retreat

It was the second time that we stayed at Sumberkima Hill Retreat. This is at the North-West of the Island. I can say ‘We want to come back again!’ There is a lot to discover.

West National Park Bali

This time we have spent two Days around West National Park Bali. We took a boat to an inhabited Island and have been snorkelling. It was wonderful. We visited Bali Tour and drove around. Many things were still closed, because there are not many tourist. 

There is so much to do in West National Park Bali, like: horse riding, mountain-biking, visiting restaurants, the Bali Tour, being in the water. West National Park is just so big that we have to come back.

Together you are so much more

Behind the scenes we always have deep conversations and we experience so much more. The insight that i take is that: Together you are so much more! When you are both in your power and you connect, it amplifies and that is amazing to experience. 

Have the right people around you!

Having the right people around you gives you so much strength. This is as well in business as in your private life. I went home from Sumberkima to Canggu with a great feeling of gratitude. 

The end, can be a new beginning.

On our way back we ended up in a new adventure. I wanted to see Munduk Cabins and somehow we came there. After that, we went to a restaurant where we felt like, we were in heaven. We were high in the mountains, above the clouds. The view was heaven. So impressive. 

Sometimes when you think it’s the end, it’s just a new beginning. 

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