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Podcast #10 – Alles wat je wilt weten over Choco Bliss

mei 10, 2022

Choco Bliss is een zeer populair plantenmedicijn dat vaak wordt gebruikt bij ceremonies of microdosing purpose. Het bevat een mix van verschillende plant medicijnen die zeer krachtig zijn voor heling, transformatie en het verkrijgen van inzicht.

In dit bericht bespreken we hoe je Choco Bliss gebruikt, wat het precies is en welke voordelen het je kan bieden.

Wat is Choco Bliss?

You may have heard of Choco Bliss from people sharing their inner journeys online or in person. Many people experience life-changing, healing transformations through their Choco Bliss experiences. But not everyone dares to go on this inner journey. It can be intense and intimidating.

A More Gradual Journey

That’s why we developed a form of Choco Bliss designed specifically for microdosing. It involves taking just a small bit of Choco Bliss (a micro-dose!) for a longer period of time (1 to 3 months). This allows you to experience gradual healing.

As a whole, the experience is softer and gentler, giving you plenty of time to process what you’re feeling and experiencing in the moment. This is very different from a regular Choco Bliss ceremony, where the dosage is higher and the effects are much more rapid, but also much stronger.

How Does Microdosing Choco Bliss Work?

To help guide you through the process of microdosing Choco Bliss, we’re beginning a series that tells you everything you need to know about how to do it. We’ll explain how it works, what benefits it can give, and what it does to your spirit as the plant medicine works to heal you.

We’ll also give you the information you need to start observing the medicine’s effects as it works, which will help you notice it working faster than if you were to take it without knowing what to expect. And we’ll offer tips to help you get the most out of your microdosing experience for maximum healing and mental health benefits.

Want to know more about Microdosing Choco Bliss?

Are you curious to know more about Microdosing Choco Bliss? And do you want to learn more about Microdosing Choco Bliss? Visit the page about Microdosing Choco Bliss. You can learn more here and order the Microdosing Choco Bliss.

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