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What is Marosa Microdosing?

Marosa is a Master Plant that is normally used during dietas in the jungle. A dieta means to go into isolation in the jungle, follow a strict diet to diet a Master Plant like for example: Marosa. This is a very intense process that you do in the jungle.

Marosa is often considered the ‘plant of love’ due to its remarkable capacity to facilitate profound healing and enhance self-love.

This botanical ally empowers individuals to make decisions guided by self-love and contributes to the mending of broken hearts. Marosa is a beacon of light and love, enveloping those who seek it with its potent feminine energy, opening hearts and offering solace.

Furthermore, Marosa extends its healing touch to address deep-seated childhood traumas rooted in experiences of abuse, abandonment, and rejection.

By working with Marosa you can also experience an elevation in their sense of self-worth. The practice of Microdosing Marosa allows for a gentle and transformative healing journey.

Ingredients: Plant of Self-Love extract, alcohol (preservative)
Directions: Shake well before use. Take the recommended dosage orally or as directed.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of direct sunlight.
Safety: Keep out of reach of children. Not for use during pregnancy or nursing.
Disclaimer: This product is for educational and informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA.

Embrace the profound power of self-love with our Plant of Self-Love Tincture. Let its gentle energy guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

What does Marosa Microding do?

Marosa is the Master plant of love and helps to increase self-love.

  • Make more decisions out of Self-Love
  • Helps to healing a broken heart
  • Get insight about your love life
  • Heal grief that you carry in your heart
  • Experience emotions around love life
  • Healing your past
  • Understanding about your love life
  • Support on making the right decisions
  • Receive guidance
  • Marosa helps those who look for light and love
  • Marosa has a strong feminine energy
  • Opening your heart
  • Helps to healing childhood trauma related to abuse, abandonment and rejection.
  • Marosa helps to recharge self-esteem
  • Microdosing gives a gentle healing
  • Marosa is a Master plant and carries great wisdom around love
Huis in de natuur

What to use it for?

Mystic Aspects: Marosa is revered for its mystic and spiritual significance in Amazonian shamanic practices. It is often seen as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Shamans and healers believe that Marosa can facilitate profound journeys into the psyche, helping individuals access hidden aspects of themselves.

Healing Trauma: In the realm of healing, Marosa is considered a powerful tool for addressing emotional and psychological trauma. It is believed to aid in the release of past traumas and negative emotions that may be stored in one’s energy field. Through cleansing and purifying rituals involving Marosa, individuals may find healing and relief from deep-seated wounds.

Self-Love: Marosa is associated with self-love and self-acceptance. By working with this plant, individuals may learn to embrace and love themselves fully. It can help in dismantling self-doubt, fostering a sense of inner peace, and nurturing a positive self- image. Spiritual

Empowerment: Marosa’s spiritual properties can empower individuals on their spiritual journeys. It may facilitate encounters with spirit guides, higher consciousness, or visionary experiences. This empowerment can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s purpose and connection to the universe.

How do you use it?

  • Shake the bottle well before use.
  • Start with 10 drops per day. Build up the dosage to 20 drops to daily use of 0,5 pipette to 1 pipette a day.
  • Start with 10 drops per day. Build up the dosage to 20 drops to daily use of 0,5 pipette to 1 pipette a day.
  • Option #1 0.5 pipette per day is a normal dose for 1 month.
  • Option #2 choose 1 pipet every other day for 1 month.
  • Microdosing is an intuitive process. Everyone needs a different dosage.
  • If you feel you want to increase the dosage, go to 3-4 pipette per day. If you increase the dose, you need more bottles for 1 month.
  • Drop the Microdosing Marosa under your tongue.
  • The Microdosing feels burning under your tongue. If you find this too strong, you can dilute it with water.
  • Take the Microdosing Marosa at the start of your day (morning). This can be before or after your breakfast.
  • Microdosing Marosa is not psychedelic. It won’t make you trip.
  • We recommend holding the Microdosing under your tongue for 30-60 seconds and then swallowing.
  • If necessary, increase the dosage gradually, up to a maximum of 3-4 pipette per day, depending on how you respond. *In this case 1 bottle is not enough for 1 month Microdosing

‘The only journey is the one within.’


How would it be like if you no longer would live from just your intellect mind, but instead would live from your heart, regardless of the opinion or reaction of another. How would it be like if there is an opportunity that helps you break through blockages and free yourself inwardly so that you can really be yourself and live your life to the fullest? In the video below you will learn more about Choco Bliss and how it can help your in order to come closer to yourself.

About maria johanna

My name is Maria Johanna and I am the founder of House of Oneness. Since 2013 I have stepped into the world of Plant Medicines and it has turned my world upside down. In the beginning I struggled to really follow up the guidance from my ceremonies. The first big step was to adopt my birth names. I went from Mariette Schouten to “Maria Johanna”. This choice led to a whole new life that started in Bali. The perfect place to start a new life. There I started talking on YouTube about Plant Medicines and Spirituality. A year later, I started to work with Plant Medicine Ceremonies in the Netherlands. I have made several trips to Peru and Brazil to learn more about Plant Medicines. I have also worked a lot in Ibiza and especially in the Netherlands. I have experience in religious, therapeutic and shamanic ceremonies with various Plant Medicine ceremonies. Think of: Ayahuasca, Kambo, San Pedro, Rapé, Cacao Bufo Alvarius, Truffles, Mushrooms and of course Choco Bliss. Choco Bliss has been exclusively developed for House of Oneness. We are the only supplier of this special healing Plant Medicine that can be used for home ceremonies. We also offer guided ceremonies. This choice led to a whole new life that started in Bali. The perfect place to start a new life. There I started talking on YouTube about Plant Medicines and Spirituality. A year later, I started to work with Plant Medicine Ceremonies in the Netherlands.

I have made several trips to Peru and Brazil to learn more about Plant Medicines. I have also worked a lot in Ibiza and especially in the Netherlands. I have experience in religious, therapeutic and shamanic ceremonies with various Plant Medicine ceremonies. Think of: Ayahuasca, Kambo, San Pedro, Rapé, Cacao Bufo Alvarius, Truffles, Mushrooms and of course Choco Bliss. Choco Bliss has been exclusively developed for House of Oneness. We are the only supplier of this special healing Plant Medicine that can be used for home ceremonies. We also offer guided ceremonies.


Ceremoniekit by
Maria johanna

Important for creating a safe setting is cleaning your space, your aura and protecting your energy. That is why we have put together a ceremony kit with the basic elements you need.

The Ceremony Kit consists of 3 elements. These are White Sage, Palo Santo and the Maria Johanna Aura Spray.

You use the White Sage to clean your ceremony space. You use the Palo Santo to cleanse your own energy (aura field). You use the Maria Johanna Aura Spray in advance to protect your energy field during your ceremony. But it is also super nice to use during your ceremony and especially afterwards. After your ceremony, the Maria Johanna Aura Spray has the function of closing you off and returning to earth. The Maria Johanna Aura Spray consists of an age-old recipe from the jungle, but now given a modern twist. Definitely recommended to use during the ceremony, but also on a normal weekday when you want to protect your energy field or want to smell good.

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