31 day mocrodosing challenge

Discover your Soul Purpose

Do you want to come closer to yourself, get out of your head and into your heart with more focus on finding & living your true Soul Purpose? Are you curious how Microdosing can help you in this process?

Discover your Soul Purpose  is a transformation program that helps you to come home to your heart and find your answers and healing so that you grow personally and spiritually. Step by step you will find your path that is in alignment with your soul purpose.

#1 What is Microdosing Choco Bliss?

Microdosing Choco Bliss means that you take a microdose of the Choco Bliss chocolates over a certain period of time. It is important to give a commitment for a certain period. For example 1 to 3 months. During this period you will see that there is a gradual healing, growth and or a transformation.

#2 Why Microdosing Choco Bliss?

There are many reasons why people start with Microdosing such as: healing depression, more self-confidence, connection, healing trauma, removing menopause complaints, inspiration, focus or to work and creativity. The most common reason to start Microdosing Choco Bliss is to come closer to yourself. See more in the video.

#3 What benefits can microdosing bring

Microdosing Choco Bliss are small chocolates that taste delicious and also initiate a healing, creativity, focus, reflection and transformation process. It has a gentle, friendly spirit that helps you through this process. In the video below you will learn more about the benefits Microdosing Choco Bliss can offer.

Do you sometimes have a restless feeling? As if you are searching for something?

Congratulations, because this restless feeling is your soul knocking on the door of your heart, inviting you to discover a deeper layer of you.

You feel that there is more in you, but you’re not living it yet. You want to do something that gives you more satisfaction, fulfillment and something where you feel that you make a contribution.

Do you believe there is greater potential within you and feel it is time to discover it?

You can look anywhere outside of yourself for what your soul mission is, but the only place you will find it is within yourself.

‘If you are searching for something, that something is probably searching for you too. Microdosing can open the portals to discover what this is.’


-You want to get more out of yourself and life.

You live too much in your head and don’t know how to get to your heart.

-You don’t take the time to really stand still, but know that it will be good for you.

-You feel searching, but you have no idea what.

-Rationally many things are in order and yet something is missing.

-You ask yourself ‘Is this it now?’

There’s more in you, but it won’t come out.

-You want to get more out of yourself, but how?

-You want to work in an authentic way that suits you.

-You have a great interest & curiosity for personal development towards spirituality.

-There’s something pulling you, as if it’s time to find what really fulfills your heart & soul.

-You believe in following your heart, only you do not have a clear idea of ​​what this actually means for you.

-You are sometimes afraid to really step into your feelings.

You let limiting beliefs hold you back and want to break through them.

You feel you want things differently, but you don’t have the strength yet to actually do it.

-Je voelt wel dat je dingen anders wilt, maar je hebt de kracht nog niet om het daadwerkelijk te doen.

Experiences with Microdosing

Kimberley experience: More Clarity

Microdosing Choco Bliss is an opportunity to get closer to yourself and increase your self-love. The advantage it has brought me is: Clarity!. Clarity about myself, what I want and about how I want to be in life. I’ve started looking deeper into myself and made other choices that feel right to me without giving any value to the opinions of others.

Experience Rilana: Peace of Mind and Self-Confidence

‘Be open to what else the world has to offer,’ says Rilana about Microdosing. The biggest advantage is peace of mind and self-confidence. Especially in these times when so much is going on. Right from day one, Rilana has had a positive experience full of love, peace and focus. It helps her in the face of setbacks, to consciously choose that to go into the observation role.

31 day microdosing challenge

What can The 31 Day Microdosing Challenge do for you?

The 31 Day Microdosing Challenge will help you come home to your heart and discover your soul mission.

The Microdosing Challenge takes you step by step through the process of getting out of your head and getting closer to yourself.

The Microdosing brings new connections into your brain, so that a gradual healing takes place. The new connections that are made in your brain slowly create new beliefs and habits that change.

The Microdosing Challenge gives you insights that help you grow into more of who you really are.

By coming home to your heart, doubts are removed and you can see clearly. Being at home in your heart helps you to know what to do. You come into your power, causing the fear to fade into the background.

The Microdosing Challenge helps you to grow the strength of your heart, giving you confidence to follow the answers from your heart.


Microdosing is not yet well known in the Netherlands. You hear more and more stories that Microdosing is popular at Silicon Valley. Partly because of this and thanks to the remarkable results, more and more studies are being done into Microdosing. Click here for an article on scientific research into the benefits that Microdosing (psychedelics) can provide.

Natural healing is becoming more and more popular

More and more people long for natural ways of healing. Microdosing is pure nature and an ancientway of healing trauma, gaining insight, being more in touch with the spiritual world and a greater potential of yourself.

What will you learn during the Microdosing Challenge?

-How the plant medicine can help you get closer to yourself

-Develop new beliefs and habits that support your dreams

-Learn to communicate with the spirits of the plants

-Feel what is and isn’t right in your life

-Have the courage to dare to let go of what no longer suits you

-Be honest with yourself about your heart’s desires

– Insight into who you are and how you can best come into your own

-Bringing balance in your life

-Strength and self-confidence awakening in your heart

-Practical help with setting intentions with Microdosing

-Get in touch with the spirit of the plant medicine and receive the guidance

-Beliefs and habits change

-Increase awareness & increase frequency

– Increase your awareness so that you can see and feel more clearly what is right.

-Defining your soul mission

The 31 Day Microdosing Challenge is unique because it combines the power of plant medicines with personal development. This Challenge is based on years of experience and developed with love to help you. You won’t find this anywhere else.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. ~ Carl Jung.

What do you receive when you order Microdosing?

  • Video Training Microdosing Choco Bliss worth €145,-

    Many people find it exciting to start with Microdosing. That is why you will receive a video series in which I (Maria Johanna) will guide you through how to start with Microdosing. We help you choose the right rhythm, dose and schedule that suits you by means of a video training.

  • Ebook as Microdosing Manual €97,-

    Are you more into reading? Then read the manual for Microdosing so that you are aware of background information about Microdosing and get help with starting with Microdosing.

  • 31 Days Microdosing Challenge Video Training €555,-

    A complete 31-Day program of everything you’ve already read on the page. The 31 Day Microdosing Challenge gives you support to get the most out of yourself and the Microdosing process. It helps you to come home to your heart and discover your soul mission.

  • Microdosing Choco Bliss €75,-

    You will automatically receive the Microdosing Choco Bliss for 1 month, consisting of 16 x Microdosing Choco Bliss. *This is a bonus with The 31 Day Microdosing Challenge. If you prefer to do the program with a different plant medicine, you have to order it separately.

  • Access to the Telegram/Whatsapp group

    Do you have questions, doubts or do you want to share experiences with Microdosing? You are most welcome in our Telegram group where you can connect with other like-minded people who also do Microdosing via House of Oneness.

  • *optional: 5x Zoom Calls Group Coaching

    Do you want more from the Microdosing Challenge and do you enjoy doing this in a group? Choose that for the Group Guidance. You will receive 5 group Live coaching sessions via Zoom. If you would like personal guidance so that you can zoom in on your personal situation, choose the Challenge + 1 on 1 guidance. If you choose 1 on 1 coaching, you pay extra for this.

How does the Challenge work?

Every day that you take your Microdosing, there is a video waiting for you with an exercise that helps you with reflection, learning to work with the Microdosing, Meditations or tips to get closer to yourself and get more out of your process.

Suppose you take the Microdosing every other day, log in to the Online environment where you see the videos every other day. Our 31 Days program is supported by an Ebook where you can read and complete the exercises.

If you need 1 on 1 guidance in addition to this Online Program to spar, see blind spots and as support to really get the best out of yourself and the Microdosing Challenge, it is possible to be coached by a Microdosing Expert.

How does the registration process work?

After you have made your payment for the 31 Day Microdosing Challenge you will receive an email with a video in which we thank you and give a little more explanation.

You will then receive a separate email with access to the online environment of the 31 Day Microdosing Challenge. So you have immediate access to the online environment the same day. The Microdosing will be sent to you by post. You will receive a track & trace by e-mail so that you can follow your package. The delivery time is between 1 and 5 working days.

If you have any questions, you can always reach us by e-mail. We are happy to remove doubts and uncertainty and help you with love.

What will you learn during the Microdosing Challenge?

  • How the plant medicine can help you get closer to yourself
  • Develop new beliefs and habits that support your dreams
  • Learn to communicate with the spirits of the plants
  • Feel what is and isn’t right in your life
  • Have the courage to dare to let go of what no longer suits you
  • Be honest with yourself about your heart’s desires
  • Insight into who you are and how you can best come into your own
  • Bringing balance in your life
  • Strength and self-confidence awakening in your heart
  • Practical help with setting intentions with Microdosing
  • Get in touch with the spirit of the plant medicine and receive the guidance
  • Beliefs and habits change
  • Increase awareness & increase frequency
  • Increase your awareness so that you can see and feel more clearly what is right.
  • Defining your soul purpose

The story of Maria Johanna

My name is Maria Johanna and I am the founder of House of Oneness. For years I have worked with Ayahuasca. Meanwhile, I was introduced to various plant and natural medicines such as; Choco Bliss, Cacao, San Pedro, Mushrooms, Kambo and Truffles.

I first learned about Microdosing in the jungles of Brazil. There they gave people who were very depressed and were afraid of Ayahuasca teaspoons of Ayahuasca. This resulted in a gradual healing.

For myself, microdosing gives inner peace and clarity and focus. I experience a strong spiritual guide that supports me where necessary.

About Judith

My name is Judith and I have been working as a coach and guide for over 5 years. Plant medicines have brought me a lot. Both Choco Bliss ceremonies and Microdosing.

I can also say that they have helped me a lot on finding and living my soul purpose. That’s why I’m very passionate about it.

For me plant medicines are not the only tool. To support your Microdosing process I use many tools from NLP and breath work.

I definitely experience breath work as a very powerful tool to get out of your head and connect with your feelings. In addition, I have various NLP training courses that I apply. You can read some of the experiences of people who have worked with me on this page.

It is my goal and mission to bring people back to their core. By heart and in touch with the feeling and deeper knowing.

I guide you in letting go of programming and stories that are no longer yours.

I help you to restore the deep connection with yourself, so that you can (re)discover who you are from that connection with yourself.

And from there create and walk your own unique path. I help you to be yourself in confidence, with self-esteem to live with passion and pleasure. Read more about Judith & Microdosing Coaching at the Microdosing Coaching page.

31 Day Microdosing Challenge Transformation Program

‘Come home to your heart and discover your Soul Purpose.’

The 31 Day Microdosing Challenge is a unique transformation program that is supported by Microdosing.

Coming home to your heart and discovering your soul purpose is not achieved in 1 day. Making change in your life is a process. That is why we use a structured program that gives you a step-by-step layout to get closer to yourself.

Each week has a new theme. Every Microdosing Day, you will find a new video to support your transformation. Below you will find an overview of the structure of the 31 Days Online Programme. *If you choose the group program, the program is supported by weekly Zoom calls.


Video Training Microdosing + Ebook
You will receive a Video Training + Ebook in where we guide you with: ‘How to start with Microdosing?’.

Kick-off 31 Day Microdosing Challenge
In Online Transformation program startes with an introduction in which we welcome you to the 31 Day Microdosing Challenge. Maria Johanna shares her own story of what having plant medicines have done for her and how it helped her to find her soul purpose. After that you will finds an explanation of what to expect from the 31 Day Microdosing Challenge.

WEEK #1 BALANCE: Where are you now?

We start with drawing up the balance sheet. Where are you in your life? What do you want to work on? Where are you satisfied, where is room for change and improvement. In a practical sense, we teach you how to work with setting intentions at Microdosing.

WEEK #2 LETTING GO: What do you want to let go?

We are going to work on letting go. To make way for something new in your life, it’s good to eliminate what doesn’t work for you. The exercises help you to gain insight, new perspective and reflection.

In week #2 you will also learn how to connect with the spirit of the medicine. This allows you to find the answers within yourself from a higher consciousness and without your head in between.


WEEK #3 CONNECTION: Listen to your heart

In week #3 the focus is on finding answers from your heart.

You learn how to see more clearly from inner peace and thus come closer to yourself. This week is supported by a guided meditation to connect more deeply with the spirit of your plant medicine.

WEEK #4 FINDING ANSWERS: Where do you want to go?

Since you have found quite a few insights in week #3, we will continue with this in week #4. We are going to work specifically on ‘What is your Soul Mission?’

We build your Soul Mission from different elements to eventually arrive at 1 sentence that covers the load. Forming your Soul Mission makes it easier to make choices. “What is and what is not in your life?”


The last week is not a full week. Well, this is a very important week. Now is the time to implement the insights and agree actions with yourself to put your soul mission into action. *This week is supported by a meditation to open your heart and grow your self-love.

I microdosed the truffles for a total of more than 24 days. In the beginning it took some getting used to. I noticed something about me, but I couldn’t quite place what it is. After about 8 days I started to get it, that’s how it felt. It felt very good, relaxed and focus is the best way to describe it. I recommend everyone to try it once. Be open to it and who knows, you may get a lot of new insights as a result.

The microdosing has given me a lot of inner peace and it also gave me a lot of insights because the busy voice in my head disappeared. This allowed me to make much better choices that really align with myself, because I saw it much more clearly. I also experienced a lot of creativity and was able to write / record a lot of videos with the microdose. In short: I recommend EVERYONE to give this a chance! So much inner peace!

In my personal development, microdosing is a wonderful stimulant to introduce into daily life. What I personally notice is that I am more connected with my heart and live less from my head. My mood can also benefit where I look at situations more lightly and approach them and let more difficult situations slide off me more easily. I also notice that I reach deeper layers of myself, which I then become more aware of and can work with. In this way it is a nice contribution to personal development and self-awareness. 1 portion every other day is ideal for me, chew well, let it absorb and start the day!

Hey Marie Johanna, I’m starting the 2nd strip today. I am currently in a very intense period where my mother has had multiple brain haemorrhages and there is a lot of uncertainty and I have to deal with new demons. I am also in a huge upward spiral on a personal level. So I can’t say with 100% certainty what it is, but the fact is that I have lived very close to my feelings in recent weeks. I am strong and standing firm and I am very grateful to you for micro dosing Truffles.

What Micro Dosing Truffles brought me so far is. The first few days I was kind of “forced” to take (even more) rest and after taking it I could only focus on 1 thing at a time (focus). What Micro Dosing Truffles brought me so far is. I notice that it now “stabilizes” more and that focus comes more throughout the day. In addition, there were also some emotional patterns that I can view much more from a kind of “helicopter view/zoomed out”. So I’m definitely curious what this will do in the even longer term and I’m happy to help you again. So come on. Love, Sylvia

Right from the first day I noticed that the truffles made me very productive, I was no longer talking in my head, I just did what was necessary. A huge focus! Very nice.

I also noticed that I made choices much more from my heart, I feel much faster whether something suits me or not.

This is definitely something I will be using a lot more often!

Start your microdose challenge now!


    Discover your Soul Purpose – 31-Day Online Program


    MD Choco Bliss + 31 Day Online Program + 5 Live Sessions


Microdosing Experiences

Everyone has a personal experience with Microdosing as it gives you what you need at that moment. Just like with other plant medicines. For one person this means processing emotions, coming out of fatigue, healing traumas, reducing triggers, healing depression, feeling better about yourself.

For other people it’s about concentration, focus and productivity or a combination of all. It is, after all, a process. In the videos below you can see how such a process Microdosing can work.


Wietske has noticed that fat Microdosing truffles helps to write even more from her heart and to be held back less by her head.

She can sometimes hear a perfectionist voice in her head. Microdosing has helped her see that good is good enough. It has helped to be less of a perfectionist and to get into flow.


Sharona first experienced Choco Bliss. This was a very positive experience which made her curious  about what Microdosing could mean for her.

She is 2 months Truffles are going to microdose. Her goal was to get out of her head more, to be more in the moment. This has been accomplished and more. Watch the video to hear her story.


Yvon started out of curiosity with Microdosing Truffles. She wanted to see if this helped to get more into balance.

What it has brought her is in particular to be more in touch with her feelings. This makes it easier for her to make choices, to stay closer to herself and thus to have more balance in her life. Watch the video to hear her Microdosing Experience.

Examples of what Microdosing can do for you

Spiritual Guidance

Microdosing is a process in which you receive support from the plant world. Most people feel a connection with the spirit of the Microdosing plant (everything has a consciousness). You may experience as if you are receiving Divine guidance in your life.

Don’t take life so hard

Microdosing helps you not to take life so heavy, but to live more easy-going. This is because the Microdosing get you out of your head and connect more with your heart and soul.

Listen to your heart

Because you are more connected with your heart and soul, you clearly feel what is and what is not good for you and you can easily take action here. This is one of the reasons microdosing can be so transformative.

Balance & Inner Peace

Some people don’t rest at first through a process. You may feel fatigued leaving you with no choice but to listen to your body. The Microdosing first help you to get into balance and then experience other benefits.

Raising Your Vibration & Reflection

Microdosing is raising your vibration so that you live in a heightened consciousness during this period. This helps to see a different perspective, so that you can reflect very well on your life.

New connections in your brain & triggers

Microdosing helps to make new connections in your brain. This allows you to create new beliefs. You may have experienced traumas in the past that remove or reduce certain triggers. You are better able to be in the here and now and see the situation for what it is apart from your past experiences. It helps to be better with yourself.

Creativity & Focus

Scientific studies are showing that Microdosing gives peace to the ‘Default Mode Network’ in your brain. This is the part of your brain that is overactive when you are in stress of when you are in a depression.

If you have more peace over there (in the Default Mode Network), you will experience more creativity, focus & concentration.

Frequently asked Questions

What will I receive with this Challenge?

You can choose to do the 31 day Microdosing Challenge at any time on your own.

We will start on Saturday November 12, 2022 with a group.

There is also an option to book 1 on 1 microdosing coaching next to the program.

The Microdosing Choco Bliss are included in the Challenge.

Yes. You can start the 31 Day Microdosing Challenge at any time when you do the program by yourself or when you want to have support by 1 on 1 coaching. The group sessions are only 2 times a year.

31 Day Microdosing Challenge consists of:

-Ebook with manual Microdosing
-Video training as a kickstart to start with Microdosing
-Whatsapp group support
-31 Days Microdosing Challenge Video Training in an online environment where you can find a video for each day you take the Microdosing (16 days). This training brings you step by step closer to yourself and helps you to discover your soul mission.

If we start a group
-5 Zoom calls (Kick-off challenge, Q&A, Closing Zoom call)
-Whatsapp support from us as guides

* You can optionally book 1 on 1 guidance.

The goal of the 31 Day Microdosing Challenge is to come home to your heart and discover your soul purpose. Every Day that you are taking the Microdosing, there are video’s ready for you to reflect and receive insights. Next to that the Microdosing medicine will give you insights.

Click here to get an impression from the Transformation Program.

You will receive guided during 31 Days during your Microdosing period.
The guidance is:

-Microdosing Choco Bliss (we ship this by post)
-Ebook with manual Microdosing Choco Bliss
-Video training on how to get started with Microdosing
-31 Day Microdosing Challenge Video Course in an Online area where you can find a video for every Day that you take the Microdosing (16 Days).

If we start a group, you have
-5 Zoom calls
-Whatsapp support from us as guides
-Whatsapp support from the group

You can also choose to book 1 on 1 guidance next to this program


Yes. Microdosing calms the Default Mode Network in your brain. Because this part of your brain gets more rest, you experience more peace yourself and doors open to problem-solving thinking instead of worrying.

There is also more room for inspiration, focus, concentration and creativity. That is why you can certainly participate in the Microdosing Challenge if you have depressed feelings. If you are still in doubt, please contact us at info@houseofoneness.com

Yes, that’s possible. Microdosing means that you will not trip, but you will experience the benefits of the Truffles. You always start with a half dose of the Microdosing, to see how you personally respond on the Microdosing. Read our blog ‘Can I drive if I do Microdosing.’

Yes. The intention is precisely that you function better. Microdosing helps to have more focus and to be less easily distracted.

Microdosing will give you what you need. It’s a process where there can still be ups & downs. Sometimes you need to go through some emotions or tiredness in order to become in balance. That can give a little discomfort, but in general the benefits of Microdosing are:

  • Get closer to yourself
  • More comfortable in your skin
  • To get out of your head
  • Live more from your heart
  • Balance
  • Focus and productivity
  • Spiritual guidance on your path
  • Balancing male and female energy
  • Get in touch with your feelings
  • Healing of the past
  • Removing triggers from trauma
  • Remove incentives
  • Creativity
  • Purpose life
  • Inner peace
  • Sleep better
  • Connecting more with your higher self
  • Depression and ADHD (*also read the most frequently asked questions at the bottom of the page)
  • Sharp edges off (triggers are dimmed)
  • Help with menopausal symptoms (menopause)

It doesn’t go wrong and you don’t end up in a strong trip since you take a microdose of the Choco Bliss. Yet it can be too strong for you. That is why we guide you and advise you to start with half a dose. This is all written in the included Ebook and shown in the video training too.

Store the Microdosing Choco Bliss in the refrigerator. They don’t spoil, but we still recommend using them within 1 year.

No Whatsapp? This is optional. It is best to create an account. However, this is not required. It’s optional.

Yes. We offer 3 options here:

Option 1: Independently: You can do the Online Microdosing Challenge independently and start today, so to speak. You will then have access to our online learning environment and we will do our best to send the Microdosing as soon as possible.

Option 2: Group: You can do the Online Microdosing Challenge in groups with 5 Zoom sessions. Follow the dates when the group starts.

Option 3: 1 on 1 guidance: If you like to have personal 1 on 1 guidance during the 31 Day Microdosing Challenge, it is best to opt for the 31 Day Online Microdosing Challenge + 1 on 1 guidance. You can start today with this option. Your Microdosing Coach will then take you step by step through the process of Microdosing, finding your soul mission and guiding you through your healing process.

Yes, that’s possible. Other plant medicines are not included. If you want to use a different plant medicine, you can order it separately. Or you can email to info@houseofoneness.com

What will I receive with this Challenge?

This is different for everyone. Some people feel a lot, others less or nothing at all. In any case, everyone will notice an effect after a month of microdosing. For safety, start with half a dose on the first days of the Challenge. Most people don’t feel anything from a half dose and that’s okay. Take it easy when you start. It’s all about the process.

What you experience is that your head becomes more calm, you come into touch with your feeling & emotions, less easily distracted by thought or other distractions, more focus, creativity. And sometimes when people start, fatigue can come out too.

You choose a rhythm that fits your lifestyle. During the 31 day Microdosing Challenge we choose to take the Microdosing every other day. But you are free to take the Microdosing every other 2 days.

The active ingredient remains active for 2 days. On the third day, the active ingredient is out of your system.

Most people take the Microdosing in the morning to get the most benefit during the day. However, this is not a must. During the 31 Day Microdosing Challenge, we recommend to take the Microdosing in the morning. We see that about 30% is changing the moment to the evening. This can be because they want to sleep better for example. You will find your own rhythm.

If you want to use Microdosing to sleep better, it is best to take the microdosing one hour before bedtime. It takes a while to find out what works best for you.

The Microdosing Choco Bliss taste like dark chocolate plus a citrus taste. It also contains some citric fruits. This is to activate the active ingredient. So they taste slightly different than Choco Bliss for ceremonial use.

The Truffles have a bit of a nut taste. It’s not tasty and not dirty. You can take the Truffles together with, for example, Chocolate, Dates, Fruit or anything else you like.

You can easily swallow the Soul Present capsules. Then you have no taste at all and the drops are not tasty, but also not very bad.

No. Like other Psychedelic substances, these Truffles are not addictive.

There are no proven studies showing that this would be harmful. However, we do not recommend microdosing when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Study shows that there are no complications between Truffles & Medication. Nevertheless, we recommend that if you use medication or suffer from serious psychological complaints, you should always consult a doctor first.

No, you don’t have to follow a special diet. We do, however, advise against taking alcohol and/or medication when taking the Truffles. None does not hurt, but it is our advice. Read our blog about ‘Can I do Microdosing Truffles if I’m taking medication?’.

Yes, no problem. It may even provide benefits.

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