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Bali 2022 – Munduk Cabins – You have never seen this before – Vlog #71

June 1, 2022

Bali 2022 – Munduk Cabins – You have never seen this before – Vlog #71

I am living on a 5 minutes walking distance from the beach in Canggu in Bali. Which is the South of Bali and it’s very hot every Day. So to take a trip to Munduk is amazing. Munduk is high up in the Mountains and it’s in the North part of Bali. Every minute the weather is changing. Big change that it will be raining, but we love it. You wil understand what I mean when you see the video, including the amazing drone shots. Check the video!

Munduk Cabins

Munduk Cabins is definitely a place to visit when you want to relax and get away from the crowed Canggu area! You can completely relax there, without really needing anything. Pure quality time.

Personal Update: How am I?

In this vlog I share something about my personal journey. Ourty & I have known each other for almost 1,5 years. Traveling together, working together is quite intense. It has always gone so well. Now we had a misunderstanding for the first time. I was in a lot of pain from this. So much so that I didn’t even want to work together anymore. Ourty helps me with all videos & photos for my company and gives me a lot of support. In the video I tell more about it.

Behind the scenes

Sometimes you may think ‘The videos are beautiful, but what will it be like behind the scenes?’ I think I can say with certainty that no one can find these videos as special as I do. The travels, the collaboration and the experiences touch me deeply in my soul every time. That’s why I would say ‘Behind the scenes it’s even more beautiful than I can make it appear on screen.’ Therefore all the more painful that we had a misunderstanding and I was absolutely about to stop everything.

Pain of letting go

Letting go of the things or people you love is one of the hardest things to do. Life doesn’t always have logic and in the moment we can’t see why things are happing. Maybe life has something better for you.

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