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- 2022 Mariajohanna
Finally !!! I start Podcasting. This is something that was on my list for at least 5 years. Long story short: Now it’s the moment!
Lately I felt all the time that Instagram stories were too short. I had more to share. So now is the time to start making longer content where I can share more details, where I can go deeper and share more value. I feel ready!
In my first Podcast I start with introducing myself and sharing my story. If you don’t know me: My name is Maria Johanna. Most people know me from ‘Ayahuasca’, because I have been working with Ayahuasca for many years. Plant Medicine is a huge passion for me, because it changed my life so much.
I grew up in a small village called Zwaagdijk. This is near Hoorn where I am born. I grew up with 2 sisters. Jorine who is 3,5 years younger and Michelle who is 1,5 older than me. I had a safe and good childhood. My parents gave me a lot of freedom. My childhood gave me the impassion that Earth is a safe place full of honest people. Later on in life I discovered differently, but I stayed naïf for a long time.
We all have experienced that impact our lives. Experiences that are traumatic of that is touching our soul and changing our beliefs. My first traumatic experience that I clearly remember was when i was 15 years old.
This is when I felt in love for the first time in my life. My father did not agree on this relationship and I had to break up with him. This was shocking to me. Even more because I had such a free childhood. It made me feel ashamed and it was hard to obey to something that did not come from within. I believe that this shaped my future in my love life and beyond.
One traumatic experience can shape our future
If there is one thing that I learned from this experience is that I can’t live a lie. Actually this is something my father always told me: Always be yourself. Being myself means to live my truth. My first love relationship became a Romeo & Juliet story that was very romantic to me, but not an easy one.
We have had a lot of harmonious and long conversations in that periode. Sometimes I heard him coming to the living room late at night. (This is how much my tanager relationship impacted him.)
I also came out of my bed and we spoke for hours. The next day I has to go to school. Even while we did not agree, it brought me closer to my father. Looking back I was too young to understand his point of view.
This pattern has been repeating itself that my father did not agree on my decisions and I have had a lot of challenges with this. In one way I wanted to receive approval of my father, on the other hand I could not do anything else other than following up on my own feelings.
Unconscious I wanted to proof myself
Looking back I see that there was a believe of ‘I have to be a certain way in order to receive love’. I guess unconsciously every child is longing for approval of their parents. In the end it is the journey of accepting myself. This ia a long journey until where I am Today.
You can’t please others in order to make them happy, but I did not know this for a long time. I have been attracting relationships with lots of jealousy where I was trying to please my ex boyfriends. It always ended the same way. I lost myself and every breakup had been a relieve. This is why freedom is so dear to me.
In the end I felt in love with someone else that helped me to realise how love can be different. This was a wake-up call about what love can be. It opened my eyes and it led to a break-up.
Falling in love with someone else was my wake-up call
To me life was very much about having fun. This led me to almost fail at school. Sometimes failing is the best thing that can happen. Moments where you about to fail, makes you realise what you really want in life. The moment I almost failed to school brought a turn around where I felt. I want to make something great from my life.
In a way I have felt different and I was not always expressing myself fully. Because I felt different I had to go on a search. When I started to work fulltime the feeling of being different became stronger.
Now I know that happiness is inside of you and it’s our own individual responsibility. Nobody comes to serve happiness of your dreams on a plat. You need to do the inner and outer work yourself. I learned this later along my journey.
Nobody comes to serve happiness on a plate
If there is a God, how can life be about making money and having a career? I just could not believe this and I started to pray to God. I actually think I am doing this my whole life in a natural way. It can be random moments like ‘Oh, please God let me catch my train!’ (I really don’t like public transport, but it’s an example).
There came a point where I made 5 decisions at once that shaped my future. These are: 1.Let’s do my best at school 2.Let’s do an internship abroad 3.Let’s break up and be single 4.Let’s move to Amsterdam 5.Let’s educate myself more
One decision can shape your future
I believe that by sharing my stories I hope to inspire others to do the same and to spread the word of plant medicine. Back in the Days Indian tribes also learned by stories. They passed on stories of wisdom to inspire new generations. If my story is just inspiring one person that listens I am already happy.
To me Plant Medicine bring you closer to yourself, give you insights, healing and guidance for now and in the future. When I am ‘in the medicine’, I feel so home and maybe more of who I am. It opens your heart and consciousness to a bigger potential. We are so much more than this human being with a limited vision on life. ;-)
At the moment I have my own Plant Medicine Choco Bliss and next to that I focus on Microdosing. I am on a mission to bring old knowledge back and help people to integrate this into their lives. We all carry trauma, we all have moments where we search for answers, we all have a bigger mission and plant medicine is an amazing tool to heal, to grow, find answers and so much more.
In my first Podcast I start with introducing myself and sharing my story. If you don’t know me: My name is Maria Johanna. Most people know me from ‘Ayahuasca’, because I have been working with Ayahuasca for many years. Plant Medicine is a huge passion for me, because it changed my life so much. We all carry a life story with us and I have never shared my own story before.
It’s time to do so and show you what story is that lies behind my happy face and my ambitions. What is driving me? And How did I become who I am Today? Let’s start from the beginning. I believe that by sharing my stories I hope to inspire others to do the same and to spread the word of plant medicine. Back in the Days Indian tribes also learned by stories. They passed on stories of wisdom to inspire new generations. If my story is just inspiring one person that listens I am already happy.
You might still wonder ‘How did you get into the World op Plant Medicine? In my next episode #2 I share more about: ‘How I got from Banker to become an Author to becoming an Urban Shaman?‘. It’s not a normal journey I can tell. I could never imagine it, but somehow it came into existence. I’ll take you further with me on my journey. See you in the next…!
This is my own unique plant medicine that you can use to set up your own home ceremony or book a guided ceremony. I love to share with you in order to heal, grow, expand, awake and become more af who you are. Would you like to know more about Choco Bliss? Visit our page about Choco Bliss and learn more about Choco Bliss.
Microdosing can give great support on a daily basis like; healing, concentration, focus, creativity and more. Would you like to know more about Microdosing Truffels? Visit our page about Microdosing Truffles and learn more about Microdosing Truffles.