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Microdosing experience Sharona: out of the head, in the moment, sleeping better and more productive, eczema relief

August 16, 2022

Microdosing experience Sharona: out of the head, in the moment, sleeping better and more productive, eczema relief

Sharona first had an experience with Choco Bliss. This inspired her to do Microdosing Truffles. She has had a very positive experience with Choco Bliss and that made her curious about what Microdosing could do for her.

She decided to start Microdosing Truffles for 2 months. Her goal was to get out of her head more and be more in the moment. She achieved this and so much more. Watch the video to hear her story:

Taking more rest

In the beginning Sharona was exploring the right amount of Microdosing Truffles and at which times she should take the Truffles. This is what you call ‘finding your sweet spot’.

Although microdosing often helps to be more inspired and productive, she noticed that some days she didn’t feel like working. The Truffles have been guiding her to take more rest.

Microdosing helped to get very close to emotions and make choices from her heart and to have more faith & trust in her inner voice.

Experimenting with the right amount.

Sharona got a suggestion from an experienced microdoser to take the Truffles in the evening before going to sleep. Since then, she started with taking half a dose before going to sleep. This helped her to sleep better, have nice dreams and be more focused the next day.

Microdosing to sleep better

Taking the Microdosing in the evening has worked very well for Sharona. It has helped Sharona to experience more serenity, which has enabled her to complete her work in a more focused way.

It helped her to stay within herself and to choose what was important to her in the moment.

Physically, it has helped reduce eczema attacks. Her eczema often made her itch all the time. Microdosing allowed her to not be so preoccupied with the itching. It seemed to lessen and that was a godsend for her.

Would she do it again?

She feels that she would, but only for less than two months. The last week the need for microdosing became less. She was unable to complete the two months.

Benefits afterwards

In retrospect, Sharona has certainly benefited from microdosing. She explains that the Microdosing does indeed create new neuropatterns, so that it can make a lasting change.

Are you interested in experiencing microdosing yourself?

Sharona definitely recommends doing this through House of Oneness by Maria Johanna. You get good information in the form of videos, an E-book and blog posts from which you can get information. This helps to support the Microdosing process. Click here for more information about Microdosing.

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