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Self-Love Challenge: Day 2: Put Yourself First

July 30, 2020

Introduction Description: Choose for yourself

Use a diary

This week we are going to do a number of writing assignments. I advise you to use a nice notebook and / or a diary for these exercises. Maybe you already have a booklet in which you write and otherwise you have a good reason to buy a lovely diary for yourself. ????

Create a Nice Atmosphere

Provide a nice atmosphere in your home. For example, use candles, fine lighting, beautiful accessories, cushions, put some plants in your house or fresh flowers. Create an environment in which you feel comfortable and where you can be at ease. surround yourself with a nice environment and make it pleasant for yourself. That is an important basic rule for life.

Writing Exercise

Today I have a special writing assignment for you. I want to make you aware of how you can set your limits and show you how you can step out of your comfort zone. The intention is to put this directly into action. Nobody is going to do it for you, you can take care of your own happiness. Self-love also goes about ‘setting boundaries’ and ‘taking action on what your heart tells you’.Step 1: Set your limits: What do you want to say ‘No’ to?

I want to help you with this exercise … Where do you lose energy in your life? Are people making advantage of you? Which situations in your life does not feel good? Which relationships are not healthy for you? What things are you going to stop doing?

Step 2: Live full from your heart and to what kind of situations do you want to say ‘Yes’ to?

What would you like most from your heart? What do you long for? Are there any descisions in your life you should take, but are you not taking them? Make a choice this week. Become aware of what is the first step. The best time to do these kind of things is always NOW.

Recommendation: Start with your Internet Diet!

I am going to help you to start an internet diet this week. You will notice that when you start doing this, you have much more time for yourself! And you are the most important thing in your life. So, put yourself first and follow the tips below that i wrote about putting yourself on a internet diet. It’s all about making a choice to reduce your internet usage.

  • Turn off your notifications on your whatsapp
  • Turn off your notifications on your smart phone
  • Erase frequently used applications from telephone that are disruptive
  • Erase your Facebook application from your mobile
  • Stop your phone more often
  • Erase your work email from your mobile
  • Maybe you can also delete private e-mail from your mobile?
  • Switch off your Wi-Fi from 19.00 in the evening and focus on yourself and perhaps your partner, children, family
  • Take a block in the morning until 11 o’clock in which you do not take telephone calls
  • Work in blocks and decide when you will turn your internet on and off
  • Live an entire day without internet. Just experience it. What is different about such a day?

Guided Visual Meditation: ‘Activate your Self Love’

Especially for this ‘Self Love Challenge’ I have created a guided meditation for you. This helps you to focus on your inner world. When you are at peace and in balance with yourself from within, you will also experience this in the World around you.Make your inner world your first priority. You can do this meditation every day for the next 7 days to strengthen your self-love. Choose a nice, quiet place where you can sit or lie down. Both are allowed. As a starter maybe you prefer to just lie down, put on your headphone and be guided by my voice. All you have to do is just relax and listen to my words. Some people fall a sleep and that also just fine. The point is that you take time for yourself and you will go inside to activate your self-love.

Enjoy it! Love, Maria Johanna

Guided Visual Meditation: ‘Activate your Self Love’ (with Music & Voice)

Guided Visual Meditation: ‘Activate your Self Love’ (without Music)

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