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Today it’s International Women Day – ‘Today I Rise’ by Maya Angelou

July 30, 2020

Today (8 of March 2018) it’s INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY. Surprisingly I received many messages from man and woman who appreciate me as a woman. I felt so flattered by these messages that I felt the need to share a message about International Women’s Day as a reminder of our female power.

Also when you are a man to remind you of your female side. We all have both power; female and masculine. It’s up to us to balance out both and cherish this.

Respect to all the Mothers

I want to spread awareness to think of all the Women in the World. How the World needs the female power. Maybe now, more than ever to heal Mother Earth. The basic of life.
Take a moment to think about your mother and the job that she took to be your mother. Even when you feel like she did not a good job, she did the best she could. Let’s think about all the mother on Earth. It’s not always easy to be mother and be an example. Nobody has all the answers. Nobody is perfect. What we need to do is respect each other and let our female power awake to ourselves and on a bigger scale on the planet. Than there will be a change!

To all my sisters

To all my sisters: You are here for a reason! Step up for who you are. Rise up! Show your beauty, Speak your Truth, Shine your light, Share your femininity!

With a lot of respect and love to all my sisters, this beautiful poem of Maya Angelou. She wrote this poem to make a change in the World. The World needs a change and it starts with you. Reed the text below:

‘Today I Rise’ by Maya Angelou

“Where are you little girl with broken wings but full of hope? Where are you wise woman covered in wounds?
Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?

Today is the day I will not sit still and give in anymore, today I rise.

I am bruised but I will get up and walk again, today I rise.

I don’t care if you ignore my beauty, today I rise.

Through the alchemy of my darkest night, I heal and thrive, today I rise.

I move through the world with confidence and grace. I open my eyes and am ready to face my wholeness as a woman and my limitless capacities. I will walk my path with audacity, today I rise.

I reconnect with the many aspects of myself. I am in awe of the reality I can create. I am a queen, I am a healer, a wise woman, a wild woman. I will rise and be.

I am a rebel I will wake up and fight. I am a mother and I am a child. I will no longer disguise my sadness and pain, I will no longer suffer and complain. I am black and I am white. There’s no reason to hide.

Where are you? Where are you?
I call upon Kali to kiss me to life. I transform my power and anger, no more heartache or strife. The world is missing what I am ready to give, my wisdom, my sweetness, my love and my hunger for peace.

I weep with the trees and the rivers and the earth in distress. I rise and shine and am ready to go on my quest.

Today I rise without doubt or hesitation, today I rise without excuses, without procrastination.
Today I call upon my sisters to join a movement of resoluteness and concern. Today is my call into action, to fulfill my mission without further distraction.

Today is the day, today I will start, to offer the world the wisdom of my heart”


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