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How to prepare yourself for a Choco Bliss Ceremony?

July 26, 2021

What can you do to properly prepare?

Proper preparation for your Choco Bliss ceremony helps! This applies mentally, spiritually and physically. Choco Bliss is a sacred medicine. So treat it that way and prepare properly.

Mental preparation

Mental preparation can be done by putting yourself in a positive environment as possible and avoiding negativity. For example, stop following the news, don’t watch television, and be intentional about social media use and phone use. I recommend that you agree with yourself three days before your ceremony to create moments where you put your phone away. You can agree with yourself that you will only pick up your phone after you have had breakfast. It also helps to put your phone away a (few) hours before you go to sleep. This helps for a better night’s sleep, which is always good.

Spiritual preparation

Spiritual preparation can be done by meditating daily (even if it’s just 5 minutes) and strengthening your spiritual connection that way. You can also think of yoga, walking in nature, massages, acupuncture, a reiki and/or other healing treatments that help your energy flow better or have more inner peace.

Physical Preparation

Your physical preparation is mainly in the diet I will explain later. Everything we put into our bodies affects our constitution. The cleaner your body is the better your energy is. This has an effect on your Choco Bliss journey. In addition, you can think about exercising and moving around. This helps your energy flow better and you feel better about yourself. Exercise always does a person good.

Three/3 weeks before the ceremony:

Stop taking medications such as antidepressants. ALWAYS WITH THE PERMISSION OF YOUR DOCTOR. Use of antidepressants is dangerous in combination with Choco Bliss! For some other medications a shorter time period applies. This is also always in consultation with your doctor.

2/2 weeks before the ceremony:

– Rest is an important aspect of the Choco Bliss diet. The most important thing is that you try to create as much peace as possible. Engage in some meditation every day, even if it is only 5 minutes. Focus on your breathing. Go into nature.

– Stop eating pork meat.

– Stop eating red meat, white meat and fish will do.

– No hard drugs like Cocaine, LSD, MDMA, etcetera.

– Reduce alcohol consumption to 2 glasses per day. (Stop completely 3 days before the ceremony anyway) *In case of addiction we recommend to stop completely with alcohol and/or other mind-altering substances.

– Be conscious with your sexual contacts. You will bring this energy into your ceremony.

– Microdosing Truffles and or other plants can be used in your preparation for your ceremony. This is a free choice.

– If you use Marijuana regularly and/or daily, stop this bam 2 weeks before your ceremony.

More info on regular (daily) use of Marijuana

If you use Marijuana regularly (every day), chances are that the Choco Bliss will be difficult or even impossible to work with during your first ceremony. You may also find yourself sweating or your body struggling during the ceremony to get into the medicine. We recommend not using Marijuana or THC oil 2 weeks before the ceremony.

Three/3 days before the ceremony

All of the above and no …

– Consciously engage in sexual intercourse and or acts (no masturbation). You will take this energy with you during your ceremony and you want to be in a pure energy of yourself.

– Eat light food up to 3 hours beforehand.

– It is recommended that you stop using social media 2 hours before your ceremony.

– We recommend to eat as much plant based food as possible 3 days before your ceremony and the day itself.

– The cleaner your body is, the better the medicine will work.

– No heavy, fatty or large quantities of food ingestion.

– You can drink water or tea, sometimes people get headaches when they don’t drink anything during the ceremony.

– Before the ceremony you can e.g. eat some fruit or light food.

– No full stomach

– No alcohol or drugs before or in combination

– Be aware of your energy.

– Go rested in your connection

What do you eat during your preparation?

Below you can find some inspiration as to what you can eat in preparation for your Choco Bliss Ceremony. I just name a few things to give you inspiration. Who knows, some dishes may come to your mind or you may start looking for tasty recipes you can find online, tip look for vegan options.


-Warm Oatmeal with apple, cinnamon, super foods, blueberries or other fruit

-Smoothie bowl superfoods with granola

-Coconut yogurt with fruit and granola


-Chia pudding with fruit and goji berries

-(Gluten free) Pancakes with fruit

-Avocado on toast with tomato and salt

-Vegetable juices from the juicer or cold press juicer.

-Fresh or Organic Eggs

-You may use vitamins and or nutritional supplements

*It is better not to eat eggs on the day of your ceremony


-Soup that is rich in vegetables. Think pumpkin soup, sweet potato soup, lentil soup, zucchini soup, spinach soup, tomato soup (do not add cream).

*You may eat white meat and fish as usual

-Curry rich in vegetables


-Falafel Salad

-Vegetable Bowl with Humus

-Quinoa Salad

-Wraps filled with vegetables

-Tacos with vegetables (white meat and fish)

– Fish or white meat with vegetables and rice, potatoes, couscous and or quinoa

Other inspiration

-Greens such as: Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, haricot verts, sweet potatoes, corn, squash, leeks, beets, carrots, spinach, eggplant, red cabbage or other types of cabbage, chicory, bell pepper, arugula, lettuce, cucumber.

-Fruits such as: Pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, papaya, mango, grapes, apple, pear, banana, watermelon, regular melon, peaches, pomegranate, avocado, kiwi, blackberries, plums, passion fruit, figs, dates, lychee, tangerines, orange.

-Nuts and seeds. Such as: raw almonds, raw cashews, raw walnuts, chia seeds and raw hemp seeds.


– Eat light (plant based) foods up to 3 hours beforehand.

– The cleaner your body is, the better the medicine will work.

– Follow the dietary recommendations

– No heavy, fatty or large amount.

– You can drink water or tea, sometimes people get headaches when they don’t drink anything during the ceremony.

– Before the experience you can e.g. eat some fruit or light food.

– No full stomach that will block the effect of the Choco Bliss.

– No alcohol or drugs before or in combination

– Be aware of your energy.

– Go rested in your connection with yourself and the medicine

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