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What do you experience when taking the Microdosing Truffles?

August 16, 2022

What do you experience when taking the Microdosing Truffles?

As you already know, everyone has their own personal experience when taking the Microdosing Truffles. Since everyone reacts differently to the Microdosing Truffles we always advise to start with half a dose of the Microdosing Truffles. Why is this? I tell more about that in my video.


Not everyone experiences a great effect of the Microdosing Truffles right away. That is exactly the premise of Microdosing Truffles. Not tripping, but experiencing a subtle effect. It is important to give a commitment for a longer period of time so you can reflect, heal, transform or just work on a creative project with focus & concentration.

What do you feel from the Truffles?

Many people that take a whole microdosing Truffle feel a light, tripping effect. Your head becomes quieter, your feelings become stronger, and creativity takes off. The intention is that the tripping feeling is so light that it is not disturbing, but that you do experience the benefits and guidance of the Truffles. It helps you to be connected with your feelings.

Can I function normally?

Just to clarify: You can function normally. You can drive, work, take care of your children and you are able to function better. For example, you are more present for your children and/or other company. It is also true that you function better in your work because you experience fewer distractions and more focus.

Start with half a dose

We always advise to start with half a dose the first two times you take the Microdosing Truffles. Everyone reacts differently. So be careful. Although you may feel little or nothing of the Microdosing Truffles, it still has its effect. Remember; It’s about the long-term effect.

What if you take too much?

If you take too much, it brings you in connection with your own inner world. This can be healing, enlightening or confronting. Sometimes life questions come up that you would rather not think about. In my opinion, this is a good thing. This is the guidance of the Truffles spirit that helps you in awareness, healing and growth. There is no way to immediately reduce the effect. It is a matter of time. As the microdosing is a small dose, it does not take long. Let me say that the biggest effect is gone after 2 hours. Some people say that the effect of Truffles or Psilocibine stops by taking sugar. This is not true. Provide a nice environment, rest, observe and try to enjoy the process.

Microdosing Truffle Challenge

If you like it, you can participate in the Microdosing Truffles Challenge of one month. This challenge runs on Instagram and through email. You’ll start your process with like-minded people, Microdosing Truffles with Online Support. Of course, you will receive Microdosing Truffles, we will do Online Live Q&A sessions, you will connect with other participants, exchange experiences and receive support from each other. In short! The perfect way to experience Microdosing Truffles. Check the page for more information and registration.

Learn more about Microdosing Truffles or order Microdosing Truffles

If this blog appeals to you and you want to know more about Microdosing Truffles, then visit our page about Microdosing Truffles. Here you can find information like what it is, where it can help. With plant medicines it works like this, you get what you need. The plants have a spirit that possesses incredible wisdom. Microdosing Truffles are generally about being more connected to yourself, focus, concentration, inner peace, reflection and healing. In short, Microdosing Truffles gives balance.

Microdosing Truffles Challenge

We have a super cool online Microdosing Truffles Challenge where we offer online guidance. This gives a huge added value to your process. Does this appeal to you? Then take a look at the page about the Microdosing Truffles Challenge

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