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Why Might Start Microdosing Choco Bliss?

March 11, 2022

Why Might Start Microdosing Choco Bliss?

There are a whole host of different reasons why people take an interest in microdosing Choco Bliss. But most of them fall into 1 of 2 categories: either they want to have a deeper connection their soul and creativity, or they’re looking for healing and reflection in order to feel better.

No matter which group you fall into, when you start Microdosing Choco Bliss, you’ll be beginning the process of reflection, healing, insights, growth, and transformation.

Even if you’re simply curious and aren’t sure what you want out of your experience, you can trust that the medicine will give you what you need.

Scientific Research

Let’s get technical for a minute. I would like to share some Scientific Research. When you’re depressed, part of your brain called the default mode network is overactive. When you are in stress or in a depression, your head (default mode network) is working way too much. That’s why you can’t find a solution for the depression and can’t see a way out.

Microdosing gives peace to that part (default mode network) of your brain. This gives you access to your natural nature which is inspiration,, problem solution thinking, creativity, daydreaming, joy, and ultimately feeling better.

Choco Bliss also creates endorphins, the hormone that creates happiness in your system. It can help you feel better on a chemical level.

A Gradual Healing/Transformation

Motivations and results that are common are:

  • More Inner Peace
  • Sleep better
  • Peace in your mind
  • Go out of your head
  • Start living from the heart
  • Help with making decisions
  • Counteract Transgression Symptoms
  • Remove triggers
  • Focus
  • Healing
  • Get more peace while having a Burn-out
  • Healing Depression
  • Productivity
  • Creativity
  • Inner guidance
  • Finding your soul mission

A Gradual Healing/Transformation

Don’t expect your mood to completely change overnight. Your depression has done a lot of hard work to get so entrenched in your system this far. To get out is an involved process as well. That’s why, if you’re in a depressed state, it may be better to embark on a gradual healing journey instead of an intense ceremony.

That’s why Microdosing Choco Bliss is a great product to have a small effect over a longer period of time. Some days you’ll feel a small effect, while others you’ll feel an intense effect or even no effect.

But over time, this creates new neural pathways in your brain. This brings about a change in your system, a new way pattern in your brain, creates new beliefs, new behaviour and an emotional healing & transformation in a gradual way.

How Choco Bliss Boosts Your Creative Energy

Often entrepreneurs and career-driven people start with Microdosing because they want to increase their creativity.

For them, microdosing is excellent because it calms your system. This changes your vibration and gives you access to a greater potential from who you are.

If you’re in your head and thinking all the time, it affects your creativity. Microdosing allows you to be more productive and give self-expression to your creativity.

Sometimes Creativity Requires Healing First

One thing to keep in mind is that the creative effects don’t always kick in right away. (*remember Microdosing gives you what you need) Sometimes, you have to undergo a healing process first, before you can access the creative benefits.

Sometimes people feel tired when they start with Microdosing Choco Bliss. If this happens to you, don’t give up! When the tiredness is gone and you’ve emotionally processed any creative blockages, you’ll begin to see the other benefits.

How to Know What Choco Bliss will Accomplish for You

The same as with other plant medicines, Microdosing Choco Bliss will always give you what you need. The medicine has its own spirit and will guide you through the process organically.

How Long Should You Microdose?

Microdosing can create a lot of benefits in your life, but it’s also a process. I recommend microdosing consistently for at least 1 month, but maybe up to 3 months? Depending on how you feel. The important thing is to not give up and experience this journey with Microdosing Choco Bliss through until the end!

Want to know more about Microdosing Choco Bliss?

Are you curious to know more about Microdosing Choco Bliss? And do you want to learn more about Microdosing Choco Bliss? Visit the page about Microdosing Choco Bliss. You can learn more here and order the Microdosing Choco Bliss.

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