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Self Love Challenge: Day 5: What makes you Really Happy?

July 31, 2020


I start with a question to you .. Look at the 2 images below. On the left you see an old woman, on the right an old man. ‘What do you notice?’

The old woman radiates happiness and the old man radiates grief. Now I do not know these people and it’s just images from the internet … But the question is yours. “Who do you want to be?”

What can you do to be happy in life? How can you ensure that you can enjoy a nice life so that you can happily look back on your life? Scroll down again for the writing assignment.

Writing exercise: What really makes you happy?

What is it that makes you happy? Your love relationship? Looking for the adventure? Maybe traveling? Or specifically traveling alone or with a certain person?

Which choices have made you happy? When did you really choose for yourself? And how can you do that in the here and now? Is there a certain work situation that has made you happy? And what then made you so happy then? Are you happy with your home?

Or is your happiness especially in nature? Simply the sunrise. Looking for nature. People around you. Certain people around you. Who are important to you?

Which people add value to your life? What do you get energy from? Where do you have influence? What have you been dreaming about for some time, but you are not (yet) doing it. How do you want to look back on your life later?

How can you feel free? You can, however, do for a healthy lifestyle. Make choices. Say “Yes” to your happiness.

What’s your Favorite Music!

Music can do so much for a person. Music can touch you deep into your soul. It affects your mood. That is why I want to ask you to bring more music into your life. I’m going to help you on your way … Which music makes you happy? Which music will bring you back to your childhood or puberty?

What music was played when you went out? Are there certain songs that remind you of your first love? What music do you share with your love partner? Or with a good friend? Is there a certain number that will bring you back to your best holiday? Which music do you like to dance to?

Which music does you touch? What music do you relax? Which piano music do you like? Or spiritual numbers? What comes to you now or what do you feel like listening to?

Go and search for your favorite music in your CD cabinets, ‘old’ record tray, on your Spotify, Google Play List, Itunes, YouTube or whatever you like to use. Brings music more into your life. It does you so well!

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