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Why should I do a Choco Bliss Ceremony?

August 3, 2021

Why should I do a Choco Bliss Ceremony?

There’s many different reasons as to why you should do a Choco Bliss Ceremony. This can be different for every person. We’ve noticed that many people are curious or have heard stories from others that triggered them.

How did I enter my first ceremony?

I entered my first plant medicine ceremony out of pure curiosity. I had no idea what to expect. I didn’t read up on it. I stepped into the first ceremony entirely open, purely based upon my feelings and curiosity. The ceremony gave me more than I could ever have wished for.

Not for everyone

Not everyone will have a positive or decisive first experience. The plants will give you what you need. That’s why the experience often is valuable, though. Even though it might not be comfortable or what you’d hoped. It often takes time to make everything sink in.

What can it give you?

Plant medicine will give you what you need in that moment. For one person this is healing, taking away blockages, facing fears or confrontation. For the other, it might mean unconditional love, remembering who you are, what life is about and why you are here. We can’t guarantee your results. What we can do, is provide you with loving support and guidance. Below, you’ll find a couple of examples in which Choco Bliss might provide you with support.

  • A deeper connection with yourself
  • Healing trauma
  • Healing your heart
  • Finding answers
  • Self-love
  • Destressing
  • Viewing life from a different perspective
  • Letting go of your ego
  • Relationship troubles
  • Connecting to yourself
  • Processing loss
  • Gaining confidence
  • Finding your soul’s mission
  • Finding guidance
  • Healing depression
  • Developing a more positive mindset
  • Finding inner peace

New connections in your brain

The plant medicine will open a portal to your heart and soul and will also make new connections in your brain. This could change thought patterns. You’ll often see that fears and/or other restricting beliefs transform into stimulating and motivating thoughts and beliefs. This could create more confidence.

Change your life path

We often see that people will make different choices on their life path after a ceremony. People want to do something more meaningful and live for a deeper mission.

Processing sadness

Another side of the medicine is that we often see that people have to process sadness, pain and/or fears. For example: a miscarriage, abortion, or processing losses. We often see that the soul of a person that passed away will show itself.

You’ll get what you need and what you can handle

We notice people experiencing more free will with the Choco Bliss compared to Ayahuasca, but we still can’t guarantee that you’ll get what you want. Enter your ceremony intentionally and set an intention, but remember: ‘You’ll get what you want and what you can handle.’ Trust in this ;)

Can you feel the call?

If you’re curious and feel drawn towards doing a ceremony, this isn’t without a reason. The plant spirits will probably want to tell or show you something. Check out the page to read more about the Choco Bliss.

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